What's in a name?

Naming our beers was one of the trickier tasks we came up against when designing our branding. There are so many craft beer legends out there with super creative, clever and witty names. After thinking long and hard and after lots of puns and plays on words (mostly from co-founder John) we realised that we may have been trying to be something we’re not.
Now that’s not to say we aren’t creative, clever or witty…we just forgot that starting the Copper Beech Brewing company was a very personal journey. Each beer has been brewed from the heart with a memory attached and we didn’t want to keep it all to ourselves so we thought what better way to share them with you? Read on to find out how your beer got its name.


A beer born from being entirely human…

Brew day for Birdie came around and with the base completely done, Dan went to retrieve his hops from the freezer only to find that his stock system had suffered a bit of a glitch and he did not have the hops needed to complete Birdie.

Not one to panic for long - and never one to waste a perfectly good beer - he decided it was only right to trust his experience in building recipes and consult his inventory to see what could be created.

The result? An English Pale which, whilst sharing the same malt bill as Birdie, is an entirely different beer indeed. Sometimes that’s just how it goes in life though isn’t it? You start the day with a plan which completely morphs into something else by the end of it, depending on what gets thrown your way! Luckily for us, this mistake was a happy one - we hope you’ll agree.

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